Apr 21, 2011

pertemuan separa akhir

i'll be leaving soon. very soon. bye hometown. bye everyone. and welcome sungai petani. you will be a part of my life story. very soon. sooner or later. the time will come jugak. even deep in my heart,  i wanna stop the time. i dont wanna go there. not for now. not at the time i found someone who crazily important in my life. time. not now please... but i know. it will never happen. =((

satu mase dulu... ade sorang budak tu beriye2 nak pegi merantau jaoh2.. nak belaja berdikari katenye. nak rase hidup kat perantauan... dan die time tuh masih single mingle. memang cukup elok lah tuh. patu die ni adelah peluang utk berjaohan dari family. dapat practikal kat sg petani katenye.. mase mula2 dapat approve g sane memang sakan la die gembira. 

tapi tu dulu. dulu mase die belom kenal erti perpisahan itu pedih. masa sebelom die kenal erti perpisahan itu SEDIH!!!!! masa die belom kenal dgn someone yg special. dan sekarang. budak itu sedang mengira detik2 waktu perpisahan yg die sendiri cipta. padn muka budak tu! nak sangat pegi jaoh2 kan???? nah! hambek kaw siti najihah! =((

dan terimalah kaw akibat dari perbuatan kaw sendiri. 
nak joh2 sangat???? nak???? hambekk...

ok. itu bukan kek menyambut perpisahan. itu kek celebrate org tu habis psm. 

hari rabu, me, my love, azrul and wani (kwn azharul dan gf nye) celebrate their psm yg dah habis. i know the psm is soooo terrible. can make student's life up and down. and thank Allah, they successfully finish the psm. and thank Allah again, let me meet him for several days left. =(

i cant stop thinking bout this. not even can focus to study. but it for our future, i know. and you are sad too.. i know. i know.... 

let me meet you for the last time before i go please. 

p/s: mood is up and down. =\\\


yuyueyuliana said...

jangan sedeyh2 ok, sumtimes long distance relationship ni best. simpan rinduuuuuuuu lamalamalamalamalamalama then jumpe memang sangat heaven sayang ! trust me :)

amalina said...

hak3 padan mukee..:P
hee gurau2 je..
be strong..x mo sedih2..
aggp je jauh bjln luas pemandangan :D

+faten+ said...

ok.sgt sedey.:"( hermm..xlm ag ewan plak g perak.waaa..sabar ye jiha.:)