Mar 12, 2011

Whole nite song.... =))

Waktu sekarang: 4.30am. 13.3.11

I really have an issue with people putting song on their blog. Sorry.. sorry.. sorry..!, it not that i not like them, but it annoyed me sometimes, hell no, most of the times. i love open a lot of blogs in one time, and when the songs mix up together, it is soooo disrupting and force me to mute. But if ONLY IF, my heart is open to put a song in this blog, it would be this song. and I will proudly say... *lantak hangla nak kata apa... ini belog aku apa...!! ok, now i understand the feeling for those who putting their fav song in their blog and i think it's ok lah kan nak letak apa pon.. belog masing2 kan.. =D so, enjoy this song... =))

nice gila... x perlu kot nak letak lirik, sbb kt vid ni dah ada...

tapi hok yg ni lagi best... ini live version punyo... *like!!

yg baju kuning tuh kene jage2 sket pronounce die. *eceyh! jadi judges pulek.. =p suare yg bju biru tuh sgt mencairkan.. =D and yg lady 2 pon bole tahan.. =D

p/s: This song is dedicated to ehem2. ok diam lah siti najihah, kau ni annoying tau x?? =p
ok, hati aku masih belom terbukak untuk letak lagu kt belog. time kasih. =)


Atika Azumi said...

sama lahhh ~

aku pun xsuka org letak lagu kat blog. haha. benda first yg aku akan buat kalau bukak blog org yg ada lagu, aku laju2 carik pause or stop kat playlist dia. kalau x jumpa, aku insert earphone kat lappy aku tapi xletak kat telinga.


~ctnajihah~ said...

kan3!! hehe.. tapi itu hak masing2 lah.. hehe.. =D

missara said...

ara dlu ltk lagu kat blog..tapi dah buang sbb slowww mcm siput nk bukak blog page..hehe

+faten+ said...

sokong!! sy pon nda suke bha..buka blog org..ade lgu..haddoi..potong je kn..nk bc pon dok dgar lagu..sme ahh..kdg2..mute! :D tp nk wat cmne kn..mseng3 nye blog mseng2 nye hal..:)

~ctnajihah~ said...

hehehe.... kalau nak letak lagu pon bole..ltk yg sedap di dgr la.. jgn yg rock2 sgt sudah.. =D