Aug 14, 2009

pakcik bus oooo pak cik bus....

i really have issues wif dis one of alamanda bus driver.. not only his habit to "bawak dgn gila", but the things that really border me is everytime i go to class, i have to go wif his bloody scary bus. its true.. it juz like we are classmate.. we have the same schedule.. OMG!!! hate this, really.. oh pakcik, can u move ur ass away from me????? it juz like only you are the bus driver here.. you are so kurang sopan dgn membrek tiba2.. everyone noe you.. there are one day, one of the student start the convo wif the pakcik. it sound like this " pakcik bwk bas mmg best GILEErr..." then he replied, "yeke?? ko x takot nek ngan aku??" perh.. kau dah tahu kau bawak horror gila, kau ubah la.. suke kaw dikenali ramai ek.. haptuih.


Rfq Kml said...

aku doakan jodoh kau dan pakcik bus itu berpanjangan hingga ke jinjang pelamin, gha.

~ctnajihah~ said...

kaw mmg nak carik nahas..
ampun.. mintak jaoh ya Tuhan..