Jan 14, 2011

...ke, die x suke joke... :D

enough with emotional-terrible-horrible-silly-stupido-turpedo-pakpando-post before.
i wanna be the old najihah. so, dont hope for jiwang-karat-tahi post anymore. haha. oldo i noe some people hope for that, sori ya!

so, along my 1st 2week at uitm, a lot of things regarding the lecturers which touch my attention.
and actually affect my kind of language used for my blog?? i juz wonder why am i writing in english currently.. i have been psycho by zulhuzaimi. my stomach have been tickling in technopreneurship time. and i found a "budaya sindir-menyindir" in biostatic time.

~ke die x suke joke???~
hahahahhahahahahhaa... i dunno, this kind of sentence really funny. one of our classmate salah masok kls+lambat. n the lecturer keep making jokes.. suddenly, in the middle of the class, he realize the salah masok kls+lambat student is gone. with the real rasa bersalah face he said "~ ke die x suke joke??~ wakakakakkakaa......
*keep making joke plz. i like..

~ke kamu x de kawan???~
another kind of freaking lecture. i dunno how to describe.. ok2, try to figure out the meaning of this word. ~ke kamu x de kawan. ade sape2 tahu ke library kt mane? ke ade yg x de facebook? ke kamu mmg suke duduk sorang2...~ and many2 more...

p/s: the budaya sindir menyindir itself is really funny. plz watch "oh yeah" by zizan,johan,nabil n afdlin show.. kinda same. hahahaha... :D


amalina said...

LOL! aku tau kot sape..haha!

~ctnajihah~ said...

beliau mengajar korang gak ke?
yg mane satu?

amalina said...

haha yela..beliau lah..aku tau sape beliau..msuk sem ni kali ke 2 da tau dia ajar..syg gle dia ngn ktorg :p