Jan 4, 2011

jangan jelez bile zul huzaimi yg aja psychology..

hahaha... plz believe it. mmg sejibik. time klas psycology td, sume org pon bicing2 kate muke lecterer 2 same ngan zul huzaimi. ngeh3..

bg i lah kan, muke 2 x lah same sgt. but the way he talk, the way he smile mmg same. hehe..

ape pon, have a nice day 4 the 1st class.

p/s: dont be surprise kalo i bole score psychology t. hehe. diam.


nuraishah said...

haha.. ramai yg perasan rupanya..

SEBIJIK.. hahaha...

ok, mari belajar pyschology pelakon yer.. hahah..

~ctnajihah~ said...

hehee.. jom2..
mujur hensem. eh?? haha..