Oct 16, 2009

hari yg menggembirakan dalam kesibukan.... :D

Alhamdulillah... thats all can i say after such horrible week. For final practical exam today, we are given the manual which is the most important sheet of paper when we are conducting the lab. At 1st, i never tot i can answer the question, because i have to memorize all the principle, reagent and all thing for 7 test. It such impossible things because we do have to memorize soooo many other things. Fuh.. lega betol. So, i have to thanks Madam Roslina which have given us a space to breath. Thank you madam.. i love you. So, after exam we go to mid valley. Not for enjoy(kowt). Hahaha... but the main purpose: buy camera for Mandarin presentation. Kak sitz's mom is sooo sporting owh.. Thanks to her, we cn finish the Mandarin project. Ok, thats all for today. Wannahave some sleep. :D :D


aliah kama said...

cam berita baik jee dgr. hehe baguslah begitu!

~ctnajihah~ said...

hehehhe... harap begitu lah..

Anonymous said...

wah...jihah..ang bley jawap...bestnya.......

~ctnajihah~ said...

fuza... maksud aku bole jawab tuh adalah... senang la sikit die bg manual tuh..
daripde yg 1st2 masok kontang kanting gak x taw nak jawab ape.

yuyueyuliana said...

cam susah je ak dgr~
but wateva,,janji da lpas kn?