Oct 14, 2009

a moment before the exam

While i'm writing this post, all my frens are hardly prepare for hema test tomorrow. In the dying moment like this all i need is a peace so i can think back the real things going on here. I got my assignment for hema today, and as usual and always the marks is damn tahi. I noe. So, want it or not, i must.wajib.sgt perlu stdy hema so i will cover back in the final.(kalo boleh, plz boleh...)

Ok, stop talking about exam coz it will never ever end. Erm, when i back home today, he call. 2 times he tried to call but i didnt answer. And then, i pick up the phone finally. (gedix kan?? hahha...) It not that i refuse to talk to him, but i am too nervous and too exited. Finally, we talk. God, only You know how much i miss him, how much i wanted to see him right in front of me, how much I wanted to... owh, forget it. It will never happen kan. Let it be, what else can I do? Only waiting like hell here.all alone.keep wondering how he felt bout me.wonder if he think of me like i do.

I am stupid in such this thing. I noe,very well.yes. Everyone said, just let him go and find other guy. FYI, i tried. Many times.but i failed. I failed to forget him. So, i conclude that i will wait for him. As long as he wanted me to be his bestfren.. maybe it is the best way other than hurting someone else kan? I dont want to break any other heart including myself..

But, for this time all i have to do is going back to stdy. If one day, he find the special one for him, i accept it without any doubt. We cant force people to love us. And that time i will go far away, finding my own life.. Insya-Allah..

p/s: hari yang penoh emo.. blog pon mengemokan dirinye.

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