Jun 23, 2009

aku dia kau

it has been a while i'm sitting in front my didi (my laptop's name agak geli la, but ktorg mmg namekan sume gadget yg ade). i juz write when i have a mood to write. i am in a good mood rite now n i'm going to write anything comes in my mind.. my cuti sem is almost 2 month n it juz like nothing much i've done along the holidays. instead of going to melake n finishing my lesen p i juz like full-time -house-wife-young.n.pretty-version. haha, annoying addition. who cares anyway.. but i do love doing such things. wakeup in late morning, checkout 4 the breakfast, start looking 4 the lunch preparation, tidy up anything messy, n then lookup 4 the emails.. such a boring life kan.. but i do love it. rather than wake up in the early morning, feeling scared 4 the presentation, memorizing shit things.. it is all tired things that makes me crazy 2 month ago.. n now i should prepare myself 4 the next semester.. with the oklah exam result of mine, i think i should workup really harder next sem. the subjects are all bloody scary.. i have to face madam roslina again next sem,kowt. last semester is the very lucky for me to pass her paper. i tot i will fail in microb, but Allah really help me. really do. i still remember the hot sweat come out from my hand during the exam n coz my hand licin n i could not rite well. evendo my handwriting is horrible, but it is even worst.. sorry madam. i see u a weeks before the exam, n u said my result is menurun. i noe, it is all my fault. it is hard for me to remember all the bacteria, virus n wat so ever things.. it is all annoy me so much. i juz wonder why i'm taking this courses. but i promise, i will do well next semester,. insyaAllah.. all other students said the questions is not bad(which means easy.bodo.x langsong.. it was the harder paper ngok) if i can say those things.. but i juz smile n said; "yeke.. agak la.. " crazy kan. kau memang x nak mengaku kesusahan tuh.. it is truly easy only if you read the whole book,ok..n it is your luck if what you read come out on the exam.. huhu, bloody scary la..sgt..

i drive by myself today. i love it. sgt. aku rase bangge dowh.. best giler.. hahhaahaha.. i noe people who dont noe me will laugh.. ape da, nek kete pon takot ka?? it is takot. sgt.. x caye, my best fren of mine hampir2 kne saman time di melake itu hari... sgt hampir hingga kehampiran itu adalah 99.99 %.. if it is not because humanity, we will all end up our great day kat lokap. sound scarry kan?? huhu, that is why i dont like driving alone.. but today, i have to. my mom do not wanna company me to kapar. n i'm going by myself with that old.semput.manual.kancil. i noe i have a free wira belongs to my brother that i can use it freely. but i tot, x pe gune dulu kancil, bile da x takot sgt bru gune kete laen. hahahhaa... n i think i used to love it.. damn, i will drive again..

fb sgt byk kuiz kan?? i am first dont like it. it is nonsense answering some questions n then end up with some result.. but i take it today,. well nothing else to do.. here they go.

Siti took the Sifat Anda Dalam Percintaan quiz and the result is Tak Peduli

Pasangan anda bukanlah segala2nya bagi anda. Anda masih punya kepentingan peribadi yang lain.

hahahaha.. aku pasangan pon x dak.. huhu.. ok lah, at least the result is not you are fanatic to ur couple. but to ask me about this feeling, frankly i am not ready yet. not yet. to be hurt again, i am not ready yet. to forget u, i am not yet. bodo kan?? but love drives u crazy.. n i am not ready to be crazy again. enough 4 now..


Rfq Kml said...

yay gha da ade lesen kete.lepas ni dah boleh start bawak lori ke setiap taman di kuala lumpur untuk menjual belon.selonggok belom RM10.

~ctnajihah~ said...

pe pulak selonggok rm1o..
sebijik belon tuh RM1o..
mari2.. beli..

yuyueyuliana said...

wah,,da ade lesen kete ea??haha
xcaye ak gha ko ad lesen..

~ctnajihah~ said...

bru wat..
jommm merendek..